Strategy Accelerator

The Strategy Accelerator is your starting point for crafting cohesive organizational direction. Through in-depth workshops, professional guidance, and tailored tools like the Organizational Compass, we'll ensure that your mission, values, and long-term objectives are seamlessly integrated. Using the 6 Levers Framework™, we’ll get you ready to launch a strategic vision that resonates and endures.

Organizational Operating System (OOS)

An Organizational Operating System (OOS) is a set of fundamental principles, processes, and practices that guide how an organization functions. It acts as the 'brain' of the organization, coordinating various departments, aligning goals, and ensuring that everything runs smoothly.

In essence, an OOS creates a common language and set of expectations, allowing teams to work together seamlessly. It facilitates communication, enhances efficiency, and provides a framework for decision-making. For nonprofits, an effective OOS is not just about internal alignment; it's about standing out in a crowded field and developing programs that move the needle on the community issues that matter most.

6 Levers Framework™️ 

In today's complex landscape, mission-driven organizations face a myriad of challenges—from aligning teams around a common purpose to effectively measuring impact. Benevolent Strategies offers a solution by helping nonprofits develop their own Organizational Compass, an integral part of the 6 Levers Framework™️. This comprehensive approach is designed to systematically address the multi-faceted aspects of organizational health, setting your team up for sustainable success.

The 6 Levers Framework™️ encodes intentionality, equipping teams with a people-centered, systematic, yet adaptable approach to running their organization and building a healthy, high-performing team.

Organizational Compass

Within the 6 Levers Framework™️, the Organizational Compass serves as a central, foundational tool that integrates and aligns the various aspects of organizational health. While the 6 Levers—Identity, Focus, Cohesion, Leadership, Rhythms, and Momentum—provide a comprehensive approach to diagnosing and improving organizational well-being, the Compass acts as the strategic "North Star,” offering a consolidated view of what the organization stands for and aims to achieve.

In essence, the Compass provides a detailed roadmap that guides the application and implementation of the 6 Levers, ensuring that each lever is aligned with the organization's core purpose and objectives. It serves as both a point of reference and a mechanism for alignment, enabling organizations to navigate the complexities of team dynamics, strategic planning, and impact measurement in a coherent and unified manner.


  • Beliefs: These are the core principles that guide your strategic choices, providing a moral and ethical compass for your team.

  • Tenets: Operational principles that dictate how work should be done, ensuring that your day-to-day operations align with your strategic objectives.

  • Theory of Impact: This is your unique formula for making a difference, a clear statement that outlines how you will achieve your mission.

  • Vitals: These are the key performance indicators that matter most, providing a data-driven approach to decision-making.

  • Values: These are more than just words; they are the behaviors and norms that define your organizational culture.

  • Vision: This is your long-term roadmap, a set of objectives that provide a clear direction for your organization.

Package Deliverables

Organizational Health Assessment (OHA)

The Organizational Health Assessment (OHA) is designed to bring a shared understanding of a team’s overall health. It clarifies how a team might improve its organizational operating system and provides the roadmap to becoming a healthier team.

Organizational Compass

The Compass is a strategic orientation tool that helps the organization not only develop a greater sense of identity and direction but articulate its core pillars of success.

3-Year OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)

Goals need to be meaningful and measurable. We'll work to define your 3-year Vision with a set of long-term goals and the milestones needed to achieve them.

Compass Scorecard

The Compass Scorecard serves as a customizable dashboard that empowers teams to quantify, measure, and track progress on the annual priorities and vital metrics related to the organization's Compass.

Ready to design your compass?

If you're serious about improving your organization's effectiveness and impact, the Strategy Accelerator offers a structured, comprehensive roadmap for aligning your team and focusing your efforts. Grab some time with our team to discuss how we can guide you through the process of building your own Compass and position your organization for long-term success!